#03 Inner Peace

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This is the third post in a series of posts, reflections on photos chosen for the 365 day photo challenge which I completed a few months ago. A meditation cushion, my own, waiting for me. Each morning I aspire to meditate. I set a target of 7 minutes, just 7 minutes. That’s less than 20 minutes I know, but it is such a short amount of time that it should be easy to make that commitment. Does it work? Well, not every day. But on the days when I make it to the cushion, the rest of the day is an easier work in progress.

Sometimes it is a day that needs the meditation just to keep me calm, sometimes the day goes better because I found that quiet space at the start of the day to contemplate something specific that would set me up for the hours that follow. It might be patience, or generosity, or joyous effort. These topics really help me to find a path that is wonderful.

It’s not flawless. Sometimes I don’t even find the 7 minutes, and sometimes I don’t get to the 7 minutes until I am on a noisy train or walking along a busy street. But it’s a daily practise that is worth making the effort to achieve.

Small steps in a practise to present better in the world and make a better impact on those that I come across during the day.

Also published on Medium.

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