Best Tool For the Job

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Best Tool For the Job

This is a site that I found for the first time today. It has a great post called “Ten Things You Can Do Today to Jump-start Success”. It is well worth a visit to read the detail, but the headlines are:

1. Read or listen to something that motivates you every single day.

2. Keep a journal of your daily progress and carry it with you wherever you go.

3. Make goals and re-write them every day.

4. Keep track of every person you meet.

5. Begin investing a portion of your income today.

6. Begin looking for opportunities to build passive income (money that you don’t have to work for once you’ve done the initial work) and write down or begin working on your ideas.

7. Only sleep as much as you need to.

8. Look for opportunities to serve.

9. Keep track of every penny that you spend or save.

10. Stop being a victim. Focus on what YOU can DO.

You really need to read the extra detail on Marcus’ website to apply these – I thought they were a great set of things to work on.

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