Little notebooks

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I’m a fanatical seeker of little notebooks. The sort that you can put in a pocket and take anywhere with you. I particularly like the ones that have an elastic strap that holds them together. I discovered Moleskine notebooks a few years ago when I bought one at the gift shop near Bunratty Castle in County Clare, Ireland. They are wonderful notebooks, with the strap and a pocket on the inside back cover so that you can store slips of paper without them falling out.

Since then, this sort of notebook has become easier to get hold of. They are great as a journal, list maker or general note taker. There are other makes too.

I work on the principle that if I don’t make a note of it when I think of it, the idea will just disappear and never be put to the use which it could have been.

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1 thought on “Little notebooks”

  1. I love little, big, yellow, white, any color or shape notebooks, and with the pc now, I almost never write any more. What a pity,

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