2017 Live Writing Marathon – 2

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Train Journey #2

It’s early evening of the first day of the writing marathon. So far so good! I’ve been working, head down and writing for much of the day.

To be fair, it took me a while of circling the material before I finally started. After some time, but not too long, going through email and finding other things that needed doing, I managed to get on with the writing task.

Interestingly, the distraction approach of the early part of the day did mean that I got some things done that really needed doing.

My first target for the marathon was to write 10,000 words for the manuscript called “People who inspire me” over the four days. I have really good news about this. So far I have produced 5,000 new words. I already had 5,600 words produced on this, so it has grown to 10,600 words which is an excellent start. I had 20 people who I wanted to write about – that has grown to 45. This is because the process of writing about people who have inspired me has thrown up other names as the day has progressed. It’s been really fun writing this. I’ve managed to keep the Critic / Editor at bay, so I have no idea how good the words are. That’s not the point at this stage.

The other good thing to report about this manuscript is the title. I did a quick exercise mid afternoon. I’ve blogged about it before – imaginary letters. I wrote an imaginary letter to Seth Godin, and then wrote a reply. In that exchange a new title emerged. It’s still a working title but I like it at the moment. Please comment if you have a view. The title is “A Journey of Wonder”. Of course, I may have accidentally ‘borrowed’ it so need to check it’s not already in use.

I have also written a first draft of a new poem for the “Hang Fire” collection.

So, good progress so far…

Time for food methinks!

Also published on Medium.

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