Productivity Tips #1: TdJ

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This is the first of a series of posts looking at different techniques, approaches and tools that I have used over the years to improve my productivity. Some of these tools are really obvious. But of course, the thing about ‘obvious’ is that it’s only obvious when you know it. Until you know it, it’s going to be startlingly new!

The reason I am posting these tips, is that they are all approaches that I have shared with coaching clients over the last few months. They have landed really well, and had a big impact on the client, so I thought I would share them here. So, the first one is:

Topic du Jour

This is an idea I found in a fabulous book on journaling by Kathleen Adams. The book called “Journal to the Self” is packed full of useful exercises.

In this exercise, she suggested taking a different topic each day, and journaling on it. I’ve adapted this idea. For my Topic du Jour (TdJ for short) exercise, I produced a list of 31 different projects that I am working on at the moment. Then on each day of the month I take 10 minutes (measured with a timer) and write about that topic. It gives me the chance to really focus down and work out what I want to do with that topic in the short term. Each day of the month I pick off one of the 31 items. Then, every 3 months I review the list of topics to see whether any of the topics are out of time and need replacing.

It’s as simple as that. It’s a powerful exercise, helping to create a real focus and action around each project area.

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