The Will to Write

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A month passes. Two weeks in Canada – Vancouver and the Rockies (the photo is of Lake Louise). Hosting a conference – “Let’s Talk Research 4: Building Community”. Developing a new team-to-team approach called “Looking for the Common Ground”. Hosting a weekend of buddhist teachings with Venerable Mary Reavey looking at “Own your own death”. Setting up a Rapid Review of a piece of our work and implementing the recommendations. So much to do, so busy…

Heaps of things that take energy and focus. As these have slid past, I have wondered whether being away from writing was one of the reasons for feeling  lacklustre. Sometimes I go for long spells without writing (I don’t include work papers and the like, they are written for a different purpose). It leaves me feeling dull. Writing is part of who I am. If I go for months without writing anything, I feel like an athlete does when they don’t get to train.

Finding my way back to the page is critical. And so, this week, I have some time and increasing levels of energy again to produce something new.

I’m going to continue with the latest book, “The Journey to Wonder”. I will post updates here as that starts to grow again.

Meanwhile, I’ve been watching slow and steady sales for “Values Count”, the book about values based approaches to work. I launched the kindle version during the summer. All interesting learning curves – figuring out how to turn a book for each of these platforms. Usually some aspect of nightmarish editing like page numbers or tables rears its head and becomes a huge time sink.

Another set of publications from BlueWater Books will be published within the next couple of months. Look out for updates on that before too long.

And with this final paragraph, I am back in the saddle again – blogging is always the hardest when we try to too hard to produce something amazing, which creates massive inner struggle. Often useful posts just come from the flow of thoughts and the things that are going on around us. I’m back. Thanks for reading.

Also published on Medium.

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