#13 of 30 – Treasure

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It was a little box, made from cardboard and filled with scrolls and small memories. It was not large, the footprint fitted in the palm of my hand. I had made it from cardboard to a pattern, and then shared the idea with a group I was working with as part of a Community Arts project I was leading. The card was then painted – each panel with a different image, each an evocation of a memory. 

Then the work began on things to fill this treasure of a time capsule. Small scrolls of paper with handwritten haiku, a (very) short story on another scroll, and tiny objects that projected memories. 

The result was a personal memory box – one to keep, to forget about, and then to stumble across one day in the future and be provoked into memory. 

Now, nearly 40 years later I have found the box again, am looking at the memories and recalling the connections that they were intended to evoke. And I am wondering who else from that group still has their memory box, and may have found it again. The treasure of a connection… 

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