When experiments trap us

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It’s going to be a short post, this one. Over the last couple of months I have been experimenting with an exercise – to produce 30 blog posts over 30 days. I set out well – with a series of titles, I worked away at them, producing new material. After a few days, I was unable to sustain the daily (weekday, that is) commitment. But then, I thought, at least I am blogging and producing new ideas. I kept going, pushing away at the experiment to see where it got me to.

Time passes, and I am stuck. The 13/30 mark has left me wondering where to go to next with this. And then, earlier today I had a bit of a revelation. Sometimes we have to abandon our experiments. Completion can be a game of madness. When the experiment has gone as far as I want to with it, it’s time to stop.


Here is the list of other topics that I didn’t write about – perhaps you would like to take some of them and write about them yourself. Me, I’M FREE … to write about other stuff now.

  1. Shadow
  2. Memory
  3. Morning
  4. Lines
  5. Circles
  6. The Art of Protest
  7. A new project is
  8. When I look at you
  9. Nature
  10. Love
  11. Compassion
  12. Wisdom
  13. Patience
  14. Insight
  15. Purpose
  16. Blessings
  17. Endings

In other news” – the first full draft of “Insight Coaching” is waiting for a thorough read through. I have to wait a few weeks to do this, to create a bit of distance so that I can begin to like the writing again, otherwise it just irritates me!

I shared this draft with a friend of ours, Kate Taylor, who has come back with some ideas to illustrate the book. The ideas she has come up with are brilliant and really enhance the text. I’m getting excited about this book now. With a good head wind, focus and dedication this new book will be out there early in the new year.

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